Maria Amata Garito

Saggi e Pubblicazioni

In quest'area è possibile consultare i saggi della Professoressa Garito, frutto di interventi a conferenze internazionali e pubblicazioni di testi ed articoli. Dove indicato esplicitamente sono riportati i saggi frutto di collaborazioni della Professoressa Garito con altre personalità del mondo accdemico ed istituzionale.

The NETTUNO Model – Network for the University Everywhere. Towards an Integrated and Open Distance Teaching – Learning Process, intervento alla Conferenza Internazionale EADTU – Conference Academic Co-operation in Europe: Strengthening Academic Network within EADTU, Milton Keynes, 11-13 Novembre 1999.

AutoreM. A. Garito  Luogo/DataMilton Keynes, 10/11/1999

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The NETTUNO Model –Network for the University EverywhereTowards
an Integrated and Open Distance Teaching-Learning Process
Maria Amata Garito
Professor of Teaching and Learning Technologies
Faculty of Psychology - University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Director of NETTUNO -Network for the University Everywhere

New Social Contexts and New Training Needs

Telecommunication and satellite technologies have made many training courses available. These courses make way for learning and acquiring new skills even outside traditional educational and training facilities; everyone can learn thorough the Internet and television media. Within the information society, the development of an open and extended educational system presents both possibility and risks.

Institutions in charge of education and training can not ignore today’s new setting. They can not remain indifferent to the issues it has raised up nor to the need to bring teaching and learning into this new context. They can not ignore that the most important fact today is the "innovationdevelopment-growth-occupation" dynamic that has come into difficulties and that determines the need for continuing education. Today, people need to be prepared to be able to constructively fit into a constantly evolving society. It is no longer enough to just brush-up on one’s own skills, but rather, one needs to take on new skills and to become qualified in new professions.