Maria Amata Garito

Saggi e Pubblicazioni

In quest'area è possibile consultare i saggi della Professoressa Garito, frutto di interventi a conferenze internazionali e pubblicazioni di testi ed articoli. Dove indicato esplicitamente sono riportati i saggi frutto di collaborazioni della Professoressa Garito con altre personalità del mondo accdemico ed istituzionale.

Intervention presented on the occasion of the Going Global 2012 international conference

"Globalisation and Internationalisation of Universities for Development. A concrete model" (English version)

AutoreM. A. Garito  Luogo/DataLondra, 14/03/2012

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In the light of changes produced by the new technologies in the knowledge codification and communication systems and in the economy and market internationalisation processes, it is evident that traditional educational systems of the many countries worldwide show serious limitations.

Television and Internet have completely changed the ways of producing and communicating knowledge. The new media allow any citizen, without any limits of space and time to access knowledge. The amount of educational contents posted on the Internet makes that learning can take place, to a significant extent, also outside traditional educational and training organizations. This process, enhanced by the computer-based technologies, tends to build a global pedagogical society within the information society. The awareness of this situation highlights the value and the importance of starting up international cooperation relationships among the academic institutions of different countries to produce educational contents to be posted on Internet.

The experience that will be presented in the framework of this conference is that one of International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established by the cooperation of traditional European and Mediterranean Universities. A virtual University, born from a multicultural partnership, allowed to design and realize common curricula, between the Universities of various countries, in order to implement what is envisaged by the Bologna and Sorbonne process Declarations.

This University that realised the first didactic portal in the world in five languages: Arabic, French, English, Italian and Spanish ( and that today is a single great university, where – in the real and virtual spaces of the Internet - the best teachers from the most prestigious European and Mediterranean Universities teach in the various faculties. Students, with no limits of space and time, can attend the University, since the places where teaching takes place are no longer only the lecture-halls, but open spaces, museums, cultural centres, work places, cybercafés. All over the world one can choose whether to study in Arabic, English, French or Italian through television and Internet, getting an academic title recognized in Italy, Europe and in the Mediterranean Area. In the didactic cyberspace students can access to the different learning environments: getting digitised videolessons, linked in a multimedia and hypertextual way to books, texts, selected bibliographical references, lists of websites, exercises and virtual laboratories.

In the virtual classroom professors/tutors of each subject, from various countries of the world, interact with the students and track their learning process. Through forums and chats intelligences get connected to each other, knowledge from countries with different culture is exchanged. With the International Telematic University the cultures and ideas of the different countries of the world confront each other in continuous stream of interrelations and virtual University becomes global.