Maria Amata Garito

[Conferenza Annuale EADTU 2010 - 'Strategies and Business Models for Lifelong Learning'. Intervento nell’ambito della Sessione Parallela “University Strategies & Business”]

M. A. Garito, P. L. Sacco, F. Viganò: “Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning at UNINETTUNO: a Lifelong Learning Strategy in a Multicultural Context” (English version)

M. A. Garito  Place/DateZermatt,, 9/27/2010

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In this paper we provide a critical discussion of the usefulness of the capability approach in discussing the potential and the threats connected with the development of distance learning educational interfaces that goes together with the expansion of knowledge economies and societies. We also discuss these issues with reference to lifelong learning, which is an essential component of a fully articulated knowledge society and economy.

Subsequently, we analyze a case study, that of UNINETTUNO International Telematic University in Rome, to illustrate of capability-building focused distance learning strategies may prove to be effective in a culturally and ethnically diverse context such as that of the Mediterranean basin.